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  • Writer's pictureCeci

Setting Our Intentions

Updated: Sep 17, 2018

Every journey worth taking starts with the destination in mind. Learn about our goals for this 15-week adventure and articulate your own goals in the process.

Articulating our Goals

The first step to achieving any dream involves saying it out loud and figuring out the milestones you want to hit along the way. For both Sandy and me, our dreams revolve around health and wellness - physical, emotional/spiritual/mental, and financial.

So, here they are in all their glory!

Health Gains

Both of us hope to improve our overall health by doing the following ...

  • Releasing extra weight - yes, we're setting those extra pounds free to frolic in the wind (or in someone else's belly)!

  • Consistently practicing healthy habits - for me it's doing some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week, and taking my vitamins/supplements every day.

  • Feeling amazing in our bodies physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally - this means practicing loving kindness toward ourselves and taking time to nurture ourselves with meditation, reflection and/or just giving ourselves a break.

  • Gaining mental clarity and overall energy - Sandy describes this as "getting rid of the brain fog." For me, it's all about being able to focus and give my full attention to important things, like my kids, husband and work, without feeling exhausted and burned out.

Financial Health

Feeling financially healthy can really make a different to our overall wellness. And while we've been conditioned to see the desire for money as greedy or negative, the truth is, we all need money to live. So here's what we're doing to reach for financial health.

  • Continue rebuilding our relationships with money to be a fun, energetic, loving one based on love, respect and integrity - I love the way Sandy describes this! We're both changing our relationship with money to see it less as a necessary evil and more of a tool to allow us to better bring our gifts to the world. It's harder than it sounds, but the change in mindset can be quite transforming!

  • Use the Law of Attraction to manifest abundance and attract wealth in our lives - yes this sounds all new-age spacey, but it will be a BIG part of our 15-week experiment. It goes hand in hand with that first goal in changing how we look at money and what role money plays in our lives. For Sandy, she will earn $80,000 by December 31, 2018. That's the end of our 15-week journey. For me, I will ask the universe for $20,000 to go toward a new dream car and to help offset our kids' school tuition and fees.

Sandy has a few other specific financial goals ...

  • To pay off all debt and start 2019 completely debt free

  • Create a fun, energetic budget and consistently stick to it, resulting in a zero net budget every month

  • To start working together with her husband to eliminate the separation of their money

Business Goals

I want to figure out my passion, the thing that lights me up, and share it with the world while making a great living and enjoying the process. - Sandy

Both Sandy and I have ventured into the business world! We both have small businesses (mine is close to microscopic right now) that we hope to grow into lucrative and fulfilling enterprises. They closely align with our financial goals in that they can either feed them well or suck them dry. We intend to have them work FOR us! And while we would love for your help and support, we never want to be icky about asking you to try our products. If you're interested in anything, please DO let us know! But if you're not, no worries! There's absolutely no expectation or pressure from us. But here's what we'd like to do ...

  • Sandy would like to start a Life/Health coaching practice - Dare to Dream Now Consulting - to help empower people to live their best lives and to explore their gifts and passions and lovingly share them with the world. How awesome is this!? I hope she'll let me help her!

  • To be brokers of health and wellness by helping to introduce and connect people to services and products that resonate with them and help them live their best lives - this will be a BIG part of this 15-week journey, as we will bring you information & testimonials on different products, services and people who can help us all achieve our health & wellness goals.

  • Sandy would like to utilize her business with Juice Plus to provide access to excellent nutritional products and education for people to live healthy lives. She would also like to reach Senior Sales Coordinator within Juice Plus. I will throw my business with Q Sciences into the mix to bring the amazing benefits of our products to anyone who wants to improve their health and overall well-being.

Final Thoughts

I always feel more alive and productive when I do something creative. Not only does it provide great stress relief, it also produces a tangible product I can touch, see and feel proud of. So my final goal is to revive a creative spark in myself and start doing it! Whether that's getting back to crocheting or finding something new, the quest to be creative has begun. Hopefully, I'll discover an awesome creative outlet during this 15-week journey that I can share with all of you! (In the meantime, I'm putting some of my crochet out there to inspire me - and maybe you, too!)

Little bunnies for little ones

One of my favorite creations for my dear friend, Nici!

Now it's your turn! Let us know what your dreams and goals are! Leave us a comment, or click on the "Forum" button at the top of the page and post a comment in the Share Your Dream thread. We'd love to hear from you!

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