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Book Club: You are a BADASS!

Read this book as an excellent starting point to uncovering your own passions and becoming your best self. Jen Sincero introduces the Law of Attraction in a practical and humorous way and shows you how to make it work in your life.

Yellow Book: You are a Badass
You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

In a Nutshell

First off, this book is amazing! It's a quick and easy read, and I loved it. It is funny, inspirational and practical all in one book. Huge shout out to Jen Sincero for embracing her awesomeness and touching so many lives with her authentic and useful take on life and how to embrace the gifts we have been given.

This is a modern day law of attraction book written for people who love a good sense of humor and want useful tricks to tap into this amazing force we call the law of attraction. She discusses the importance of truly loving who you are as a person, which is an essential step in this process. She incorporates all kinds of good law of attraction, gratitude, and getting over your own BS tools for you to become the best version of yourself...or as Jen would say...Your BadAss self.

She touches on the good, the bad, and the ugly of becoming your best self. Some struggles that many people face, such as their closest friends and family oftentimes being their biggest hecklers on their road to success. She has amazing solutions/suggestions to handle these and many other situations.

Here are a handful of my favorite quotes, which i feel sum up the book better than I could ever do:

  • Your Beliefs hold the key to your financial success.

  • Your playing small simply withholds your gifts from the people who were meant to receive them, including you.

  • The things that bother us about other people bother us because they remind us of something we don’t like about ourselves.

  • Feed your fear a suck-it sandwich. (A favorite quote for me for sure!)

  • Fear is all about how you choose to look at things, so by changing your perspective on it you can let the fear of not doing the thing you’re scared of fuel your quest to greatness.

  • Being in gratitude for the not-yet manifested informs the Universe that you know that what you desire already exists, and puts you at the right frequency to receive it.

  • Your Brain is your Bitch. (Another favorite of mine.)

  • Our thoughts are the most powerful tools we’ve got.

  • Love Yourself! (It really is the KEY to everything!)

Worth the Read? Yay or Nay.

I highly recommend it. It really resonated with me, and I was able to connect with Jen as a writer and hear her message. I love how she shows respect and gratitude for so many other writers who have helped her along her journey as well. None of us can do this alone. The most successful people in the world seek out to learn from people who have already mastered what they want.

Wrapping up, I truly love the fun, direct and loving way Jen writes and shares her passions. The book is definitely worth reading, keeping and reading again. She also has a book called You Are a Badass at Making Money, which has a lot of the same concepts as this book as well as a lot of practical activities that focus on your relationship with money and how to attract it into your life.

Click below to buy them on Amazon (this is an affiliate link, which means Ceci may earn a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you purchase something using one of these links). Or check them out from the library! If you decide you love them and want them for your own bookshelf, you can always buy them later.

If you would like more from Jen Sincero, please visit her website. You'll get a glimpse into her world. And if you like, you can also sign up to receive her emails and her “10 Secrets to Being a Badass.”

Final Thoughts

This is my dream for everyone. I believe very strongly that we all have gifts and passions within us that we were meant to share with the world. However, sometimes throughout life those gifts/passions get buried and forgotten. I cannot tell you how many people I talk to who don’t even know what they want in life ... they are just so busy surviving and being busy they don’t even think it is possible.

Many people will experience the same incredible feeling after reading her book that I did. If you happen to be someone who this book doesn’t resonate worries! Take what does resonate for you and let the rest go. There are billions of people on this earth and we will not all see and/or experience life in the same way, which is a beautiful thing. Please don’t do as I have in the past where I discount the important lesson or experience from something just because I didn’t like a piece of it. Take what you can use and love, and leave the rest.

Now it's your turn! Read, enjoy, and tell us what you think!

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